About Us
About Us
We are a small group who train in the Japanese system of Wado-Ryu. We are a traditional club, dedicated to very high technical standards, established since 1992.
All serious students welcome.
If you just want to train - we can help you.
If you want to take part in tournaments - we can help you.
Cambridge Temple Karate Club is a member of the British Institute of Karate Organisation ( BIKO).
Chief Instructor, Sensei K. Henville 7th Dan Renshi, is also Chairman of British Institute of Karate Organisation ( www.bikokarate.co.uk). He also trained in Shotokan Karate and is a qualified English Karate Federation judge.
Training times and location
We train on Thursdays from 7:30 PM - 8:30 PM at Hills Road Sports and Tennis Centre Purbeck Road Cambridge CB2 8PF
For more information, please Contact Sensei Ken Henville on 01223 362321 or 07801 551689, or email TempleKarateClub@gmail.com.